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p h o t o g r a p h e r . c o m





HomeNudistMEN project -  erotic and aesthetic male pictures - professional masculine photography - studio photo shoot near Zurich Switzerland, Europe


protected server area


access for proved adult men only

you are at the entrance to the protected area of my server. You will need the

user name and the password to see the muscle bear content in the protected area.

For mine and my models  security I need to check that you are an adult.


The password is totally free and gives you access to my free slideshows with muscle bear adult content. No credit card needed  -  one free password many free sites.

Please follow these simple rules.


How to get the password? Just send me an email where you state:

  1. your full name,

  2. your age  (21+ years old)

  3. you wish to see the adult pictures on www.BearPhotographer.com

please not: that your request will be stored in order to prove your request.

I personally guaranty no other use of you email address or personal data.



I will check your request personally and send you the username and the password if you convinced me that you are an adult. Please allow that my replay might take some time (even some days). Thanks.


if you do have the username and password, click here   <<<


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P H O TO G R A P H Y   &  A R T
MuscleBearModels.com | BearPhotographer.com | Male.photos MaleArt.photos | MuscleBear.photos | EuroMuscleBears.com Bear Health | BearIndex.com | BearSeek.com | XBears.com MuscleBear.photography | MascPhoto.com BearPhotographer.date | BearPhotographer.men
BearPhotographer.net | BearPhotographer.org BearCommunity.com find me on Modelmeyhem.com | male-photographer.tumblr.com BearPhotographer.WorlsPress.com
MuscleBearModels.com BeardedMen.photography Beard.photography | Briefs.photography MaleModel.pics | EuroMuscleBears.com | GingerPhoto.date | HairyBulls.com | HairyPhoto.date HotGinger.men | StrongMenModel.com | MaleModel.pics MalePhoto.Studio | MascPhoto.com | MuscleBear.men | MuscleBear.date | MuscleBear.Photography | MuscleBear.photography | MuscleBear.photos MusclePhoto.date | MuscleBear.Photography | PhotoShooting.men | PhotoShooting.men PhotoShooting.date | PhotoShooting.men | male butch macho model photo shooting links

more NatureMen project pictures
Woods naked muscle bear photography - BearPhotographer Zurich
Masculinity and nature, professional photos of hairy, butch, beefy muscle bears nude outdoor
Photos of natural nude men out in nature - erotic and esthetic pictures shot by BearPhotographer
NatureMEN - nature and masculinity - outdoors by BearPhotographer
NatureMEN project @ beach guys StrongMEN.Photography
NatureMEN project @ nudist dudes StrongMEN.Photography
Frozen Water - nature is the artist - winter ipression from the sout of the Alps
The wonder of nature - nature is the artist - spring impression from the south of the Alps

NatureMEN project page

NatureMEN photographer - men index
NatureMEN photographer - men photos
NatureMEN photographer - men pictures

B e a r P h o t o g a p h e r . c o m