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p h o t o g r a p h e r . c o m





TravelMEN photo project -masculine places, stocky hairy men 


TravelMEN   project

TravelMEN photography exploring new ways to express the men way of travel. I'm looking for masculine hairy men to explore the possibility to create new male photography in cities, nature, lost places, street art and many more men travel spots. Interested? good, contact me.

TravelMEN project - strong alphy male photography


The next step is to realize the pictures with different interesting masculine personalities. The men working with me on the TravelMEN project will be an essential factor. Sure your masculine body is important, but also your ideas, and your personality will strongly influence the photo sessions. For this project it's extremely important to work in a team driven by will to develop and create new powerful male photography.


What is needed for this exiting project?

- strong interest and love for nature and the travels

- strong masculine expression in face, body and mind (mascular, beard, hairy...)

- if you like to explore new male photography themes, this is your project

- mature personality (confidence and trust)

- strong interest in creative processes (photography, art ...)


So if you feel being the right man to be part of creating a new chapter in strong masculine photography, please contact me, lets do the next step together, please contact me.


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TravelMEN project - musclebear photo shootings 
TravelMEN project - strong musclebear photography
musclebears showing of in singlets
TravelMEN project - sports men photography
TravelMEN project - strong musclebear photography
TravelMEN project - strong musclebear photography
TravelMEN project
TravelMEN project
TravelMEN project

for the TravelMEN project I'm looking for masculine hairy men, interesting younger and older guys to explore together nature and masculinity.

If you are a bear, a muscle bear or a masculine muscled man, and you would like to participate as a model in my projects, please contact me, thanks.


Current projects

    -  ArtMEN - art and design meets masculinity

    -  ArtArmPitsMEN - erotic male body parts

    -  ArtAssMEN - erotic male butt photos

    -  BeardedMEN - beards as a life style

    -  BlackAndWhiteMEN - black and white

    -  CordMEN - men and cords

    -  CoupleMEN - lover men

    -  Dali Kiss MEN  -  Salvador Dali art men

    -  Dark Light MEN  -  men into the dark light

    -  Frame MEN  -  men parts in the frame

    -  Ginger MEN  -  the secret of ginger male

    -  Gladiator MEN  -  the alpha men feeling

    -  Hairy MEN  -  the furry sexy guys

    -  HomePhotoShoot MEN  -  home photos

    -  HotelPhotoShootMEN  -  hotel photo shoot

    -  JockStraps MEN  -  men's sport underwear

    -  Leather MEN  -  leather on male skin

    -  Le Corbusier MEN  -  design and manhood

    -  Long John MEN  -  guys in long johns

    -  Lost Places MEN  -  lost places photo shoot

    -  Lover MEN  -  couples photo shoots

    -  Low Key MEN  -  reduced low light  men

    -  MEN box  -  box as synonym of man's life

    -  Mirror MEN  -  guys exploring mirror image

    -  MuscleBearMEN  -  muscled hairy men

    -  Nature MEN  -  beefy outdoor guys

    -  Nipple MEN  -  guys and their nipples

    -  Poses Studio Floor  -  male studio poses

    -  Poses Studio - standing   male poses

    -  Poses Studio Floor  -  male studio poses

    -  Rock MEN  -  men rocks

    -  Shadow MEN  -  shadows on man

    -  Singlet MEN  -  wresting sport men

    -  StrippingMEN  -  men getting undressed

    -  SuitTie MEN  -  bears in suit and tie

    -  Tattooed MEN  -  inked guys tattooed dudes

    -  Travel MEN  -  strong male travel photos

    -  White Bed MEN  -  guys home photo shoot

    -  White Briefs MEN  -  briefs men life style

    -  White Shirt MEN  -  business shirts and fun

    -  White Towel MEN  -  men playing with nudity

    -  White Wall MEN  -  pure attention on men

    -  Wolf MEN  -  the wolf in men

    -  Worker MEN  -  men in worker gear

    -  Wrestling MEN  -  wrestler men photo shoot

software filter projects

    -  Dark Light MEN  -  deep inside a man

    -  Low Key MEN  -  low light  men shooting

Resident Muscle Bear Model

    -  Resident Muscle Bear Model  -  how ?

your personal alpha male photographer

    -  personal alpha male photographer  -  info


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MuscleBear.photography | MascPhoto.com
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earPhotographer.net | BearPhotographer.org
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MaleModel.pics | StrongMEN.photography/musclebear/ | StrongMEN.photography | MaennerFoto.com |
EuroMuscleBears.com | GingerPhoto.date | HairyBulls.com | HairyPhoto.date
HotGinger.men | StrongMEN.photography/musclebear/ | StrongMenModel.com | MaleModel.pics
MalePhoto.Studio | MascPhoto.com | MuscleBear.men | MuscleBear.date | MuscleBear.Photography | MuscleBear.photography | MuscleBear.photos
MusclePhoto.date | MuscleBear.Photography | PhotoShooting.men | PhotoShooting.men
PhotoShooting.date | PhotoShooting.men
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StrongMEN.Photography | StrongMEN.Studio
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bear art | bear couples | bearded men photography | ginger men
hairy male photography | industrial | jock straps | leather
lost places male photography | musclebears | mountains hiking
nature | nude photography | travel male photography
professional musclebear photos | project MENbox
project LeCorbusierMEN | project DaliKissMEN
project TattooedMEN | Spanish musclebears photos | sports bears
male underwear | urban male photography | wrestling singlets
bear city trips Europe



Current projects  SSL

    -  Art MEN  -  art and design meet masculinity

    -  BeardedMEN - beards as a life style 

    -  Dali Kiss MEN  -  art and masculinity

    -  Frame MEN  -  men parts in the frame

    -  Ginger MEN  -  the secret of ginger male

    -  Le Corbusier MEN  -  design and manhood

    -  Long John MEN  -  guys in long johns

    -  Lost Places MEN  -  lost places photo shoot

    -  MEN box  -  box as synonym of man's life

    -  Mirror MEN  -  guys exploring mirror image

    -  Nature MEN  -  nature and masculinie guys

    -  Shadow MEN  -  inked guys tattooed dudes

    -  Tattooed MEN  -  inked guys tattooed dudes

    -  White Briefs MEN  -  briefs men life style

    -  White Shirt MEN  -  business shirts and fun

    -  White Tovel MEN  -  men playing with nudity

    -  White Wall MEN  -  pure attention on men

    -  Wolf MEN  -  the wolf in men


software filter projects

    -  Dark Light MEN  -  deep inside a man

    -  Low Key MEN  -  color reduced low light men

Resident Muscle Bear Model

    -  Resident Muscle Bear Model  -  how ?

your personal alpha male photographer

    -  personal alpha male photographer  -  info



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